Thursday, October 2, 2008


Did anyone see Oprah yesterday? She had the lady that last year accidentally left her baby in the car all day while she was at work. It was heartbreaking. It really made me think about my own life and the importance of slowing down. There are times I go to bed at night thinking about all of the things I did not get done instead of praising myself for the accomplishments I did get done. How self destructive is that!! Life is really too short for that sort of mind set. We, as women especially,tend to judge each other instead of extending a hand when we see someone who clearly needs help. None of us are perfect. Trying to be perfect will lead you into nothing but feeling like a failure and inadequate. God did not mean this for us when he created us. I vow today to slow down, help other people when I can and enjoy the precious life God gave me!!!


Audrey said...

That is my favorite entry so far. It is so easy to speed right through our lives but if we slow down we get to enjoy life all the more. I LOVE THE LOCKE FAMILY!!