Friday, September 12, 2008

Sept. 11th

Yesterday was 9/11 and I did not even realize it until evening. There was a special on the History Channel that showed footage all put together that just regular people filmed that day with their own camcorders. It was powerful and heartbreaking. Alex watched it and it was the first time he saw any of the footage--he was only 9 yrs. old at the time. He was speechless. It brought tears to my eyes to see people jump to their death on a day that just started off like any other ordinary day. I can't imagine the terror...its just beyond comprehension. It made me think of my own life. I always sort of assume I'll die a sweet and maybe a little crazy old lady wrapped up in an afghan sitting in my favorite chair next to Brad. The truth is, it could be anytime. I am going to appreciate the life God gave me and quit fixating on the negative which I tend to do. I'm going to let go of unnecessary and unproductive guilt over things I cannot change. I am a good and caring person who is blessed to have the family I have. No one's life is perfect and mine is certainly no exception, but their really is beauty in the day to day that many of us, including myself, don't always appreciate. Sorry if this was depressing, I really mean it to be positive. Life is what you make of it and though it's not always is definitely a gift.