Saturday, December 20, 2008

Thank goodness, Noah's happy little personality is back! He must have just felt awful that day. Its funny that Brad and I were actually worried that his whole personality had drastically changed. Not to say he's perfect...he loves to turn the channel just when you get really interested in something on TV...he looks at you with this little devilish grin while he's doing it, too. Yesterday he got a package from UPS. One of Brad's clients that moved away sent it to him...a drum. Its a really cool one and he loves it...kind of like a bongo type drum.

Last night Cameron's friend, Travis spent the night with us. The kids got out early and we went to CiCi's. You should have seen Noah. His face was enough to turn someone against pizza forever...of course I just thought it was cute (only a mother!). Noah and I went to walmart last night and got stocking stuffers and some ingredients I needed for Christmas. Its was a mad house....yuck! When I got home I made a homemade chicken soup. I'm a really good soup was yummy. I heard Brad at 4:30 this morning go into Cam's room and apparently he was still up! Travis was asleep, but not Cameron!! So I am about to wake him up..I don't want him to get on a weird schedule during the break.

Christmas is at my house this year..I am so excited..finally. Brad and I were not going to exchange gifts, but thank God he couldn't resist! I know everything I got, because he's a terrible liar. I'm going to try and wrap today, make Christmas cookies with Cam, and my play group has a holiday party tonight. Busy..busy!