Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Noah saw Santa at the mall today. I love The Shops at Willow lines. We were third. Actually we got there just as Santa was taking his milk and cookies break so we had to wait an hour. We got a decent picture, but Noah was not fond of Santa. He looked at me like, "Mommy, why are you handing me to this weirdo?!?" I can't believe how expensive it has gotten to get a mall picture with Santa Claus. They had all these packages.. we got two 3'5's and it was $20.00. Rediculous.

After Santa, we met our play group at the play area so Noah had fun playing on the steak and eggs. He is so cute. He watches the older children in complete awe and eventually starts following them. He adores his older brothers. If they shut their doors, he knocks until they open them! I'm so happy he loves them so much.

Brad canceled drill because it was too cold and windy, so we had some nice family time. Cameron, Noah and Brad wrestled around on the floor while I cooked chili. I'm a great chili maker. It was nice to have a rare complete family meal.

Tonight I watched Bad Girls Club. Love that show. The third season started last fun to watch a train wreck when its not your own! That is just wrong! Oh, well...I'm falling asleep..better go:)