Sunday, September 13, 2009

Alex's new hobby is cooking. He loves to bake! I have no idea where he gets it, except maybe it is because I don't and he loves to eat! Today he baked Brad a birthday cake..even though Brad's birthday was in April! The cake was yummy though:) He is actually talking about possibly going to culinary school after he finishes high school.

By the way, Alex is doing great at his Pizza Hut job. He is excited because his boss has been very complimentary and is giving him more and more hours. Yesterday we took his paycheck and got him his first savings and checking account. His plan is to put the majority of his paycheck in savings so that he can get a car at the end of this school year. I am very proud of him for that.

We have all been very sick...except Alex who has the best immune system of anyone I know. We are finally feeling better. I actually lost my voice...which is the worst possible thing that could ever happen to me!

Here is a picture of the boys this week, home sick with their daddy!

I have my first Algebra test next week. I hope I do okay. I spent about an hour and a half on ONE problem last night until I finally figured it out! I think I need to spend some time in the Math lab before I take the test. My mind is swimming with visions of numbers, letters, fractions, formulas and word problems! least I know when I finish this class and College Algebra I can do ANYTHING!