Monday, August 17, 2009

Back to School For Me!

So, I am going back to school! I am really excited. I already have 48 hrs of mostly basics and psychology classes. The thing that sux is I have to get 2 algebra classes out of the way first, so that is all I am doing this year. After that I will go to UNT and I have decided to go into social work. I could not be any more positive that it is what I want to do. A few days ago, I saw this horrible news clip about a 5 month old baby that was killed and horribly abused. It took me about 3 days to get it out of my head..I really cried and cried. It breaks my heart that anyone would hurt a child. I look at Noah and wish all children could be as loved and it makes me angry they are not. I really feel a calling to help children in some way. But right now I have to do the school part!


Brenda said...

You can do it! Just get through it and it will be worth it. What a great example you are setting for the boys!