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Sunday, December 27, 2009
Posted by Tracy at 6:56 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Sorry for the somewhat annoying music below..but here are some pics of us. Most of them are from Cameron's band concert from last night..the kids did great! Cameron looked so cute in his tie. Noah went to Granny and Papa's..he was so excited. Can you believe how huge they are getting! I cannot believe I have to look up to Alex now when I am getting on to him..haha!
Posted by Tracy at 9:32 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 5, 2009
101 Dalmations
Cameron and I went to 101 Dalmations last night at the DSM's. It was awesome, one of the best I have seen..I did not even fidget! Here are the pictures:
Here is my little white Christmas tree I got last weekend. It's really pretty, it glows the whole loft area pink! And you know, I love pink!
Posted by Tracy at 8:32 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Our very own "Little Gym"!
The Little Gym is complete! Yay! I think all we really need now is a hanging bar. The boys (Noah and Cameron) love it! They have had so much fun out there. Here are the pictures..enjoy!
Posted by Tracy at 3:49 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 28, 2009
So the Little Gym is moving and getting rid of a ton of their perfectly good mats and other types of equipment. Brad went there yesterday and bought a ton of it. Mats that cost $500, Brad got for $20! When Brad gets home from work today, he is turning our garage into our own little gym! It took about 6 trips in the suburban to get it all home. Alex is going to help him. Its going to be so cool...everyone is excited.
I am going with Kathy today to sell candles while they are working on the garage. So excited..I am glad it will be a nice day. I hope we sell a ton! They smell so good.
Alex started his new job today at Little Caesars. Let's hope he does not "forget" to go to work one day and that he keeps this job. I think he will do fine..he was pretty upset to lose the Pizza Hut job and knows how hard it is to find a job. He still needs $700 to buy Brad's old car and he wants to get a paint job done on it and a new stereo. They are going to give him a lot of hours, but it gives him something to do so I am glad. I do feel bad for him closing at 11:00 and then having to be at school at 7:30, but he stays up late anyway, might as well be making money.
I will post some pictures of the garage when they are is going to be amazing!
Posted by Tracy at 7:25 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 27, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
What a great Thanksgiving today has been! We all went to Brad's cousin's farmhouse they built literally themselves in the country. It was so much fun. We rode on 4-whee lers and Noah rode on this little tractor...I was so scared and my throat still hurts from screaming! Brad thought it was funny. Alex was a little annoyed by me that I was so nervous he would get hurt..but he is still my baby..whether he is 17 or not! After we ate the kids fished and Cameron caught 3! He loved fishing. Brad caught 1, but it was only an inch long. We had a great time and now we are all exhausted..well, except Alex who is mad that we are making him stay home tonight, but oh, well! It was a great day, now we are going to watch a movie and hopefully Noah will be tired soon so I can go to sleep!
Posted by Tracy at 5:01 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 23, 2009
Sorry, but this is my time to brag!
Today Noah started his new class at the little gym..I was concerned with him being 1 year younger that he would struggle to keep up. Well, guess what? HE WAS AMAZING AND THE BEST IN THE CLASS AGAIN! Isn't that crazy?! He just loves it so much and is so proud of himself! The teacher, Mr. Travis, was amazed by him and our old teacher walked in and they were off to the side discussing how amazing Noah is! YAY!
Posted by Tracy at 4:24 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Noah Rocks!
Today they promoted Noah to the next age level at The Little Gym because he is so advanced! YAY, NOAH! Daddy was very proud and so was Noah..he kept saying, I'm a BigBeast now! Wow!
Posted by Tracy at 8:18 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 12, 2009
The other day OJ and Amber came to the car before Cameron and OJ said to Amber, "should we tell her?" Amber looks at me and says, "I asked Cameron out. And he said yes". So now Cameron has a girlfriend. Is that not the cutest thing in the world! Although I don't know what the difference is really in just being friends because they don't kiss or even hold hands!
Posted by Tracy at 4:22 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 8, 2009
I am so excited that it is almost Thanksgiving time and Christmas! I am going shopping today with Brad's mom and I already have Alex and Cameron's. I can't wait to put up the tree! Is this level of excitement normal? Oh, well...probably not, but I have never been normal anyway!
Marcella got groomed on Friday and got all that summer undercoat and now she looks so beautiful! I am going to groom her more often..she gets the worst undercoat and the other 2 shelties don't for some reason. Here is a pic of her after her spa treatment! I'm sure she would probably refer to it as torture treatment though! Poor cella!
Cameron is so happy this year..he just keeps making more and more friends. His newest friend that comes around is Amber..yes, a girl! They are "just friends" though..she is really sweet and reminds me of myself at that age a little. She is really silly and full of energy and very sweet. Here is a picture of her falling over in Noah's car!
Today while Nana and I shop Brad is taking Noah and Alex to the skate park in Lewisville. Alex is really good, but I worry all the time he is going to get hurt. You should see some of the things he can do on a terrifies me! It is very impressive though.
Yesterday Brad and I took Noah to Granny and Papa's house while we went to see The Fourth Kind. I thought is was really good. Brad thought it was stupid..but he never likes any movies it seems except Shawshank Redemption..which he has seen over and over..I mean, it is a great movie, but not the only great movie! Noah had fun seeing his grandmother and papa, finally he got to see Papa! He was so happy..He always thinks pictures of Santa Claus are my dad (who looks nothing like Santa Claus) and he says that Jesus lives in the sky and Papa lives in his heart! So I guess my dad is on the level of Santa and Jesus! Kids always loves my dad..funny because I bet the whole time he was over there my dad never got out of his chair! When we got home Cameron and Brad wrestled..and Noah got in there too! Its so cute, but I think i ruin the fun because I always worry they are getting too rough.
Noah's new thing is, if he says he's sorry its okay to do just about anything. The other day I was paying bills at the kitchen table while Noah colored and he says very sweetly, "I'm sorry Mama." I kept looking at what I was doing and said, "why are you sorry?" and he says, "this". He was looking at me with the sweetest smile on his face and coloring on the table! A similar situation happened with Brad involving Noah going to the other living room and spilling juice! He keeps us on our toes for sure!
Posted by Tracy at 7:52 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Alex's Homecoming
Alex and Bre had their homecoming. They had so much fun. They went to the game on Friday and the dance on Sat. Before the dance, Alex took Bre to Saltgrass for dinner. Isn't Alex's garter cute! Bre had a mum, too..but she only wore hers to school not to the game. Aren't they a cute little couple!
Posted by Tracy at 3:21 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 30, 2009
We are all getting so excited about Halloween!
Tomorrow is Alex's homecoming dance..he is taking his beautiful girlfriend to dinner and to the dance..he is excited to wear his new hot pink tie. He is a little bummed he won't be able to trick or treat..but he is 17!
Cameron can hardly wait to carve his pumpkin today! He had one Nana bought him that he carried around all day last week until he finally dropped it and it cracked open:0( He is so funny.
Noah is going to a party today and gets to wear his monkey costume. He is so excited to trick or treat tomorrow:0)
We have lots of company coming tomorrow to trick or treat with us and watch movies and have excited this year Halloween is on a Sat.!
Wed. was exciting to get a package in the mail from Granny and Papa! It was really cute and YUMMY cookies, that are just about gone now. Thank you, Granny!
Posted by Tracy at 8:41 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Paranormal Activity
This afternoon Cameron and Noah went to Nana's and Papa-O's house while Alex, Brad and I went to the movie and saw Paranormal Activity. OMG, it was really scary. When it ended I was too scared to use the bathroom at the movies and when I had to go get Alex from work tonight I was terrified being in my car alone..I was trying to distract myself from my ridiculous fears by blasting the radio and singing along to a BeeGees song! I am a dork, i know! It was fun to see a scary movie though especially around Halloween. Hmmm, we'll see how "fun" I think it is when I am sleeping with a light on the next 2 weeks!
Posted by Tracy at 7:04 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Yesterday was my friends, Melissa and Darian's was so pretty and she looked beautiful. I definitely teared up during their vows. I did not stay long at the reception, because I was alone and did not know anyone..but it was a really nice reception. I am so happy for them and I know they are going to have a great life!
Brad and I got another suburban..a white one. I am so excited..I am taking the white one and Brad is taking over the maroon one. We should get it tomorrow, they had to fix something on it.
The weather is so beautiful the last few my life is really dull that I have to resort to talking about the weather! Just kidding. I am so excited about fall and Halloween and the holidays coming up. I love Christmas so much! It will be exciting this year because Noah will understand more. Plus, I get to see my adorable niece and nephews that live in New York..yay!
Posted by Tracy at 3:37 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Yay, Me!
I am so proud of myself! Today we got our test back and I got an 88! Not much else to say...sorry my life is so boring! My mom made popcorn balls for the kids and Cameron and his friends had fun eating them after school..(and me, too!).
Cameron's friend, OJ, today said (very seriously), "I think I might have Thanksgiving here this year." So funny, kids crack me up.
Speaking of kids saying funny things, the other day we were all at IHOP and Alex and I were talking about our bad vision and we were both saying that when we were little and first got our glasses we thought our blurry vision was normal and the same as everyone else's ...we both said we were thinking, "wow, I can't believe how clear everything is!" Cameron said, "hmm, really? I was just thinking..dang, my vision sucks."
Posted by Tracy at 3:49 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 12, 2009
Yesterday was our candle sale. It went okay...actually that's a little bit of an exaggeration sucked. Okay, I say that and was a horrible location. Next Sunday we are going to a much better area...not giving up. I love candles and these are amazing. Of course in everything I do, I realize I said or did something ridiculous..I advertised them as hand they are ice cream or something! What I meant to say is, hand poured! Sometimes I just have to shake my head at my own self! Anyway we sold about 10 including the ones I took to my friend today that could not make it. So I have earned about $30 to go toward my college fund! (don't laugh) (okay, you can laugh). Hey, that is a book off Amazon..its a start! I have been called an eternal optimist by a very smart person now is not the time to set that optimism aside..I am going to sell hundreds of candles by the end of next year!
Other events of the week, let's see other than Algebra kicking my butt, Cameron had a band concert. They did great...amazing how far they have come. I feel horrible, but its so hard for me to sit through, I find myself checking off the songs over and over just like I used to do with the bulletin during church as a child! I do enjoy the music, but can't we enjoy 4 songs instead of 8? Me and my ADD!
Posted by Tracy at 1:27 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 9, 2009
This Sunday from 1-3, Kathy and I will be at Frankford and Old Denton behind McDonalds in front of KidsPlay selling candles! We are very excited and Cameron will be dancing around with a sign. Easy $10! The candles are awesome, all kinds of scents...baked scents, holiday scents, perfume scents, and aroma therapy! The 8 oz jars are going to be $9.00...they were $8.00, but she is putting like triple the scent in each candle so we have to charge more. They are worth it though. She is going to make a larger size around Christmas. We are also planning a party for Sat. October 24th at my house. Its so cool because I have been looking for something fun to sell that I like for a long time. I have tried many things, but they are all expensive and that whole pyramid thing...I hate that...I think everyone does. This is nice, you can come and buy a candle and not be pressured to change your career path!
Anyways, Sunday 1-3..see you there!
Posted by Tracy at 3:58 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Cameron was not feeling well on Friday and did not go to school. On Sat. he seemed much better until about 4:00 and he had fever and looked awful. So we found an after hours dr. and he tested positive for the flu and the dr. said it is most likely swine flu. He put him on tamaflu and Noah on it. Today Noah had a fever of 100, so I am a little worried, but I am sure he will be fine. Cameron does not have to go back to school until Wed. so he is very happy about that!
Last week was very busy, I had a test on Thursday which I was really stressed about but I think I did okay. I also had to get my car fixed and inspected and then I had to get my registration and after that I had to go get a new drivers license and after THAT I had to go get my tickets dismissed for no inspection and the wrong address on my dl. It was a pain, but I am all legal now!
Noah picked out his Halloween costume..he is very excited to get to dress up like a monkey! perfect costume for him. He is such a cutie...every day saying (and repeating) and singing new is the cutest thing in the world! Now we are working on getting him sleeping in his own bed, I am OVER it...we don't get any sleep. So that is on our list and we are beginning to work on potty training , but after Christmas we will start working harder on that one.
Next week should be less stressful, except for taking care of sick kiddos. I really hope Alex or Brad or me don't get it. It is no fun to be a sick mom because you still have to do everything for everyone and sleep is out of the question when you have to take care of a 2 year old...I am not going to worry about it though, if we get it then we will just have to deal with it:0)
Posted by Tracy at 3:07 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Locke Family Reunion
Just got back from the Locke family reunion. It was also Nanaw's 90th birthday! It was so nice to see her and everyone else. The Locke's are all so nice. I wish we got to see them more often. I feel pretty brain dead, so this is all I have for now, but here is a slide show of the reunion!
Posted by Tracy at 4:06 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Alex's new hobby is cooking. He loves to bake! I have no idea where he gets it, except maybe it is because I don't and he loves to eat! Today he baked Brad a birthday cake..even though Brad's birthday was in April! The cake was yummy though:) He is actually talking about possibly going to culinary school after he finishes high school.
By the way, Alex is doing great at his Pizza Hut job. He is excited because his boss has been very complimentary and is giving him more and more hours. Yesterday we took his paycheck and got him his first savings and checking account. His plan is to put the majority of his paycheck in savings so that he can get a car at the end of this school year. I am very proud of him for that.
We have all been very sick...except Alex who has the best immune system of anyone I know. We are finally feeling better. I actually lost my voice...which is the worst possible thing that could ever happen to me!
Here is a picture of the boys this week, home sick with their daddy!
I have my first Algebra test next week. I hope I do okay. I spent about an hour and a half on ONE problem last night until I finally figured it out! I think I need to spend some time in the Math lab before I take the test. My mind is swimming with visions of numbers, letters, fractions, formulas and word problems! least I know when I finish this class and College Algebra I can do ANYTHING!
Posted by Tracy at 10:44 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Noah has been very sick. We took him to the doctor and it is not the flu, so that is good. He is so sick though! I feel sorry for him. Now I am sick, too. I feel bad, but not nearly as bad as he feels. Although with a little children's Motrin, he feels great! Hopefully today is the last day of it.
Yesterday was my friend, Carrissa's baby shower. Noah went to Granny and Papa's for a while until Brad could pick him up from there. Noah loves to go to Granny and Papa's! The shower was fun, but I started feeling sick while I was there. Carrissa is having a girl and it was so fun watching her open all of her gifts. So much pink! Here is a picture of me with Carrissa.
When I got home, Ricardo came over to pick up Ricky who was over for the day hanging out with Cameron, and Ricardo stayed and watched some football game with Brad. I actually went upstairs pretty quickly because I felt so bad. I gave Noah Motrin when I got home, so he felt great and played downstairs riding the new bike his daddy got him.
Cameron is doing great this year by the way. Last year was so hard with him being sick and not making any friends at the new school. This year he has made a ton of friends and they come over almost everyday. They are such cute kids and I am so happy Cameron is happy!
Posted by Tracy at 9:28 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Brad's mom or Nana (A.K.A. the garage sale queen.) brought us this cute puppet show thing with several cute puppets. She got it at a garage sale for $10.00! Isn't it cute!
Posted by Tracy at 8:00 PM 0 comments
It has been a busy weekend...I had so much on my to-do list, but basically got nothing done. Last night Brad and I went to dinner with our friend Andy and his wife Leigh. It was nice to get out of the house. Leigh is very excited because she is 12 weeks pregnant and has been wanting a child for a long time. It was fun to get out and talk to adults. So now its Sunday late afternoon and I just dropped Alex off at work. I better go and try to get some boring chores done. Not much to say.
Posted by Tracy at 3:11 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
The first day of school went well for everyone. Here is Cameron that morning. Alex was gone when I got up at 6:30 already, walking to Bre's house. The last few days though Alex "slept in" until 6:30, so I took him and Bre to school. I think everyone is happy to have a busy schedule again...although I think between school, work and a social life, Alex is exhausted!
My first day was good too! Except, I realized I am old as dirt. Seriously, I felt like I was in a class full of teenagers...wait, I was! I am terrified because the homework was already hard for me, but I know I will do fine. I am just not used to thinking about numbers. I hate numbers, but I hate letters and formulas more! It will be fine..I am optimistic. (i think) Just got to eat sleep and breathe Algebra for an entire year..oh, and take care of a family, too. That's okay, I'm SuperTracy...okay sorry, maybe that is SuperDork!
Noah is doing so well at The Little Gym. We are so proud of him. The teacher always uses him as an example and comments on how strong he know Brad loves that! He is out of the blue while I was at school, he said "Watch This!" (his favorite sentence) He started showing Brad some of the things he is learning there. Brad was so excited to show me when I got home...Noah was, too! I am so proud of him.
Granny (my mom) surprised us today with some new clothes for Noah. Such CUTE clothes! Noah was so excited about his Elmo shirt. He got a really cute Nike warm up, too. That was so sweet of her! Gotta love those Grandma's!
Okay, better go get some homework done before Brad goes to work and I gotta go get the boys from school!
Posted by Tracy at 11:52 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Yesterday was a lot of fun..I went to the mall with Brad's mom. We got Noah some really cute clothes with matching hats..Noah loves hats. I also benefited from her cosmetic shopping...I got 2 of the free gifts! Love free gifts...she calls it maximizing her cosmetic dollar but I usually end up with the free gift:) The mall was not as crazy as I thought it would be with it being tax free weekend. Alex and Cameron already had all of their school clothes, because I decided it was not worth the torture just to save tax. Its hard enough shopping with them. Cameron doesn't like anything always insists he already has shoes and anything I suggest he hates. Alex is more like me, he likes EVERYTHING. Its funny shopping with Alex, some of the things he wants to wear makes me realize I am officially old and dorky. Oh, well..had to happen sometime!
Last night we went to our friend, Carissa's baby's first birthday. It was really fun. I loved watching Noah run around the room and play. He is not a baby anymore! sniff, sniff. Alex did not go because he was working.
Alex loves his new job. He is so happy to be making money and he feels like they really like him. He said that people would call in and when he took their name he would realize it was one of his friend's! funny. I felt sorry for him yesterday, he worked 5 hours then brought a small pizza home for himself...he was so hungry and excited to eat it, but Rocky got hold of it first! Poor Alex:( (lucky Rocky, though)
Tomorrow is the first day of school..yay! Finally. First day for me, too:)So cute, isn't it? Can you believe she is about to have another one? She will be busy! They are a cute little family..and she is so pretty. Cool cake, too:) Happy Birthday, Jaiden!
Posted by Tracy at 12:13 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Its almost here...the most glorious day of the year...THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! I really sympathise with my I know what it is like to listen to it! Alex annoys Cameron and laughs while Cameron screams. Fun. I used to think my parents were mean because they would get mad at me when it was my brother who was causing the problems, I was just reacting to it..Well, now I get it..If I hear Cameron scream or yell one more time, I am going to bust my own ear drum...(ewww, graphic..maybe ear plugs would be less painful.) Anyways they are great boys who I love, but seriously summer is about 2 weeks too long!
I just dropped off Alex at work, Pizza Hut. He is starting his training today. He was going to take drivers ed in September, but now he is working so he is going to take it right when school ends next year and save money this year for a car. The car that was going to be his became Brad's when Brad burned up the engine on his...oops. It is better this way, because Alex really needs to learn how it feels to want something and save for it then get it. At the end of the year, we will add to what he has saved if we can. And the deal with driving, he's just not ready! He has his whole life to drive, waiting until 18 instead of 16 is not the end of the world. PLUS, he isn't really even complaining and if he's not complaining and not ready, what's the rush?
Cameron finally left the Lego table after a good 3 or 4 days! I guess he got burned out! If you wonder if I am ever going to cut Cameron's is the thing: Cameron is a very good boy who never gets in trouble and does well in school..I was going to get it cut but Brad said, its his one rebellion..he loves his hair. So I agree, its just hair and he can keep it long, I don't care. I just care about him and I am proud of him. So, I really don't like it, I miss his face..but it makes him happy and isn't hurting anyone!
That's all I have for now!!!!!!!!! I am so happy to be blogging again:0)
Posted by Tracy at 1:29 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 17, 2009
Back to School For Me!
So, I am going back to school! I am really excited. I already have 48 hrs of mostly basics and psychology classes. The thing that sux is I have to get 2 algebra classes out of the way first, so that is all I am doing this year. After that I will go to UNT and I have decided to go into social work. I could not be any more positive that it is what I want to do. A few days ago, I saw this horrible news clip about a 5 month old baby that was killed and horribly abused. It took me about 3 days to get it out of my head..I really cried and cried. It breaks my heart that anyone would hurt a child. I look at Noah and wish all children could be as loved and it makes me angry they are not. I really feel a calling to help children in some way. But right now I have to do the school part!
Posted by Tracy at 5:19 PM 1 comments
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Cameron at age 12 has discovered legos! Not that he has never been given any before, he just has not taken an interest until now. So he has been building for about 20 hours minus sleep and one swimming party. He said, " They are so addictive, kind of like video games..EXCEPT THEY ARE NOT BAD FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Well, we will see what happens when Nintendo ships us our new Wii (old one broke). He is such a blessing to me, such a sweet and positive person...someday he will make someone very happy:) (He already makes all of us happy.)
Posted by Tracy at 2:43 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 14, 2009
I have not been blogging in forever...sorry! I am going to try and get back into it. The kids are doing great. Noah is talking and just cuter everyday. He is obsessed with Barney and Baby Bop, but he calls her Baby Hop. Cameron is doing great...actually at a band swim party right now. He is excited about playing his Euphonium again in the band. Alex is awesome.. hopefully starting work at Pizza Hut next week and he is still with his girlfriend, Bre. She is a super sweet girl and they are very cute together. They have been together about 5 months now. The kids are both ready for school to start and so am I! That is it for now, but I will catch up more later:)
Posted by Tracy at 7:32 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 21, 2009
We have been super busy lately...actually that's nothing new. Spring break is almost over and I am more behind in chores than ever! Oh, well, we have had fun. We have gone many times to Bonkers, we have gone to the duck pond twice to feed the ducks..adorable..Noah loves it! Brad takes Noah everyday to the park or somewhere and Brad, Noah and Cameron have gone on many bike rides. Right now we are at Planet Pizza. Alex got a new job. Okay, this is funny...he is one of those guys who stands at intersections with a sign acting really weird to bring in business! He just started yesterday and he loves it so far. We had to drive by to "support" him. Supporting him included taking several pictures and Cameron laughing hysterically in the back seat! Its okay, Alex was laughing too! I'm just happy he will have his own spending money. I don't think he will get many hours, but its a fun first job! Okay, Brad and Noah are on a ride and I am so I am going to get off this computer and have some fun!
PS. Cameron is no longer sick. He went to a GI, all test normal and he has not been sick at all in weeks. YAY!Here is a picture of Noah and Cameron playing video games...well Noah thinks he is at least!
Well, here he is his new job! GO, ALEX!
Posted by Tracy at 4:41 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Tuesday Cameron goes to a pediatric GI for this whole reflux thing. Friday I was called to pick him up because he was wheezing. I took him to the hospital because he couldn't even talk. Well, the doctor there said his lungs were clear and that it was just reflux in his throat causing wheezing. Cameron thinks the whole problem is pickles. He is not eating pickles anymore so that can't be it. By the way, in one of my earlier posts I said I was going to give Cameron sherbet instead of ice cream since it doesn't have dairy, what I meant was sorbet because, of course, sherbet does have dairy. Well, that did not work anyway. There is no way it is dairy because he did not have it for 2 weeks and he still had the problem. Well, we'll figure it out and I'm sure everything will be fine.
We are getting settled in here. I only have 3 more boxes and a few more pictures to hang up. In the next couple of weeks I am going to host a play date here with my play group. That will be fun. I have not made it to many of the meet ups lately because of the moving and Cameron being sick, but I RSVP'd to several of them recently and I am excited to get back involved.
Alex is doing well. His grades are good and his teachers I emailed were very complimentary of him. They actually said he was a joy to have in the classroom. Can you believe that? It made me so happy. I know he can get through school, I have to just keep pushing him. Next year will be hard, he has to double up on some 2 history's at once, 2 chemistry and 2 English. He can do it. This summer he is going to get his dr. license. I think he is ready, or at least he will be by the time drivers ed is over.
Noah is great. Brad has spent a lot of time with him. They go to Bonkers or the park almost every day and every day he either skate boards with him or bike rides. Brad and Cameron bike ride all the time and Noah goes too, on Brad's back. They went yesterday for a little while and nearly froze to death. Cameron is having so much fun on his bike.
Noah is going to start going to the Little Gym on Wednesday's next week. I am so excited. I could never afford to do any of that with Alex or Cameron so it will be new to me. I know Noah will do GREAT!
I met up with my friend, Marci on Sat. She brought her kids and they are so cute. Her baby who is Noah's age reminds me of Cameron when he was a toddler. It was nice to see her. She is a great person to be around...she is very positive. We met up at the mall play area at Stonebriar. It was a stressful super busy play area, so next time we are going to meet up at one of our houses..she has a pool so maybe we will get to go swim this summer!
That's all for now!!!
Posted by Tracy at 3:04 PM 1 comments
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Yesterday was so stressful! We lost Marcella. Don't worry, we found her. I was leaving to take Cameron and me to get a much needed haircut and Alex some glasses..and when I opened the garage door Stanley and Rocky were standing there and Marcella was gone. They kicked the gate open..with some help from the wind. I have fixed that problem. Anyways we looked for about 3 or 4 hours. We made fliers and everything. I saw some guys having a garage sale and I asked them and they said she was walking around there all day! They said she just went down the alley. So I drove down the ally calling out her name and there she came running. She looked so pretty, the sun was shining on her and the wind was blowing her hair back and she was "smiling"! I am so glad I found her. I have had her for 10 years. Brad got her for me the first year we were together. She could not find home since we just moved. I am so glad she is home now. We all love her so much! When we thought she might be gone forever Cameron was crying and Alex kept saying " I was using her as a pillow just last night." I am thankful he has his pillow back.
Posted by Tracy at 4:08 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 19, 2009
This is kind of gross...warning
Noah has and always has had horrible pooping/constipation problems. A few days ago, after it took him several days to pass a brick, I put him back on Miralax..which btw he will be staying on now..Anyways he was pooping fine again, but then yesterday he was straining most of the day, so I put him on his back and took off his diaper and kind of leaned his legs back to help him with pushing....well usually I would see poop but this time I saw something that looked like part of him. I was looked like he was pooping his intestines out! I called my mom to get her take on it and she thought maybe a hemorrhoid but I just did not think that was I took him right to the doctor...She told me it was his intestines and that it is not uncommon with kids that are used to pushing really hard to go potty. She said usually they will come out a little but go right back in. She said that if it doesn't go back in after 15 minutes, take him to the ER because after half and hour it can start to cut off his blood supply. She suggested if that is happening again to try to distract him from pushing. Is that scary or what! He seems fine today, he is taking his Miralax and I am hiding vegetables in his food and cutting his milk intake down and trying to get some water down him. We took him to Bonkers today which is a huge indoor climb through maze, he had fun..Brad went all through it with him. Tonight after Cameron and I studied for his science test we went to ride his bike:) Noah rode his trike he got for Christmas from his uncle and has a little push thing so I pushed him...his feet don't quite reach the pedals yet.. He had so much fun...he loves outside so much. That's all for now, we have a play date mall thing with my friend Jenni and her little baby, Corbin. We are excited...we love the mall. So say a prayer for him that his intestines don't come out again and that his pooping gets better. I think it will.
Posted by Tracy at 5:59 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
It has been quite eventful around here. I am so proud of Cameron. As many of you know, Cameron struggles with coordination. Learning to ride a bike has been an issue for him ever since we first started trying to teach him when he was little. We would work at it and then stop and try again later and he just could not get the balance down and he was terrified of falling. Well, last Saturday he learned!!! After an hour of working at it and Cameron crying and Brad not letting him quit, he got it down. He was riding it and smiling a huge smile and Brad was running along beside him in tears. We are so proud of him and he is so proud of himself! He went the next day to ride and had zero problems. Now we need to get him a cell phone and discuss parameters and he can finally get out of the house. I love him so much. He is an incredible special person. His throwing up last week came back and we went back to the doctor. She took him off dairy and prescribed him another far so good. I feel so bad he can't eat cheese or have ice cream anymore. I'm going to buy him sherbet and now and then let him have dairy if he takes medicine first..of course after some of this sickness subsides first.
We are all moved in. The movers came on Friday...kind of annoying, they acted like they were mad at us for having so much stuff. On Sat. my awesome friend Josh (kelly)and I went to the old yucky house and cleaned it. The dogs had to spend the first night at the old house because the verizon guy was here until 11:00, so they were happy to be get to come home with us after we cleaned. I think they were depressed at that house too! Now they have a cool back yard with a cool if it rains they are fine and they have lots of shade in the summer too. Instead of Stanley with me and Rocky and Marcella with Alex at night now, Marcella is sleeping with Cameron. So everyone has a furry friend to sleep with here. hair! We have tons of unpacking to do, but the bottom line is we are so much happier. This will be a wonderful home for us to live in while we save up for a nice sized down payment on our own house. Oh, and it is right by Cameron's school and much closer to Alex's.
BTW, Alex's progress report was awesome...passing everything with mostly A's and B's and like 1 or 2 C's. Cameron's was good except for Language Arts, but that was just because he wasn't turning in a reading log and now we have that down so there should not be a problem.
SOOOOO, we are doing well and I will blog more later!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Tracy at 5:52 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 16, 2009
Yes, I will get him a helmet.
Okay, real quick. The skateboarding thing was the first thing Noah has done that might require a helmet and Brad was with him and could have caught him easily if he fell. I posted it on facebook and some people made a comment..people love to criticize instead of compliment. My point is that I will get Noah a helmet so please do not worry about that. Brad and I would never do anything to harm him in any way and we are not too dumb to not realize he needs a helmet. Cameron wears one and is 11 and if I could get Alex who is almost 17 to wear one, I would!
Posted by Tracy at 2:21 PM 0 comments
Noah skateboarding all by himself at 20 months!
Posted by Tracy at 11:01 AM 1 comments
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Tomorrow is the big day! We are ready, but I am so exhausted. What a crazy week. I love the new house! I can't wait to be out of this God forsaken house someone was probably murdered in. Okay, maybe I am exagerating..but its at the very least haunted. I am so tired, I think I will go to sleep.
Posted by Tracy at 5:23 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Not much to say, except I am way always. Our friend, Ricardo, has been helping us babyproof the new house. We had to put lattice up all along the stairway and at the top, but it actually looks good. We had to do it in the dark with candles! The electricity is not on yet and Ricardo could only do it at night so we baby proofed by about 15 of my sugar cookie type scented candles. At least it smells good in there. My mom has been really helping me out by watching Noah. Cameron is so hyper, I hope it stops soon because its driving me crazy. Its most likely the chaos of moving. I am so happy to say he is well. He is going to continue to take prilosec on an ongoing basis. Well, gotta go!
Posted by Tracy at 4:53 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Packing packing packing. That's my weekend. yuck. Cameron had some a sonogram of this organs yesterday..I thought it was of this stomach, but it was his organs. I have not heard back yet. He has missed so much school over this, I'm not used to that because my kids have always been so healthy. Thank God for that. I am so worried about him..its weird..he's not sick or miserable he just casually continues to throw up. I think it might be severe acid reflux. Hopefully Monday he will be able to go to school. We'll see. Right now, I have to pack...we are moving Friday morning next week and I have had no time to even think about packing. :(
Posted by Tracy at 8:02 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 2, 2009
Okay...I have not blogged in a while because I have been so busy and tired. Everyone is doing well. This weekend Noah and I went to a play date, but I really did not know these ladies so I felt a little out of place. It was at a cute little duplex, but it was not baby proofed to say the least! I was glad I had an excuse to leave.
The excuse was that Cameron was going to Rory's paintball party. Rory is Audrey's son and Kathy, Kelly, and Timothy went with me. It was in Forney and we never even found it! Cameron was car sick and begging to go home, so we called Audrey and said we could not make it. We went and bought some Dramamine and went to Chili's to eat so it had a chance to kick in. We had the world's worst meal and service. Sorry if you live in Forney, but FORNEY SUCKS! Funny thing is, I still had fun being with my friends. I'm so glad I have a few people in this world I can be myself completely. Its nice to have a place to really fit in. They love me no matter how crazy or goofy I am and I love them. I'm lucky.
When we got home Brad and I took the little monster to the park to release some energy. Noah is amazing..he was doing real perfect somersaults. He definitely has Brad's athletic gifts. I am so excited to see how he will do in team sports. Noah can even skateboard a little. Lots of supervision, don't worry.
Yesterday Nana (Brad's mom) came over and brought us McDonald's and played with Noah. They read books while Noah sat in his Elmo chair and they went for a long walk outside. Noah had fun!
After they left Noah and I went to surprise Daddy at work. Noah was mesmerized with all the kids running around on the court playing tennis. I had a gift card to Southlake Town Square and went shopping after that.
Not much more to say for now except I have to pack pack pack! Here I go again...
Posted by Tracy at 5:45 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Alex and Cameron started their new schools this week. Alex is riding his skateboard there and school starts at 7:30 for him now and ends at the time I get up he is already gone. His school district does not offer drivers ed, so we decided that after school ends, this summer is when we will get him started on that. He has to focus on school now. So at the beginning of summer he is going to do that and get a job. It will be a while before he is completely driving on his own, but he has to pay his own gas and tags and of course for dates and things like that. I'm going to have to give him a push for sure to get a job. By Thanksgiving he should be driving himself. In the meantime, his car sits and waits for him!
Cameron absolutely loves his new school. When he got home the first day he told me it was the best day of his entire life. He loves the teachers, the kids, and the schedule better. Oh, and he likes the hamburgers better too, apparently the other schools hamburgers sometimes had some gross slimy thing in the middle. Yum!
I am very happy the kids are happy, now for what you will be shocked to hear. WE ARE MOVING AGAIN! Feb. 15 will be the last day here. The reason is that I HATE this house. Its got its charm, but serious plumbing issues and the grossest bathrooms and OLD appliances. We would have stayed the year out, but we had a great opportunity come up. The new house by the way is in the same schools or I would not have done it. The landlord just moved out of their home and put it up for rent for 300 more than this one. Its awesome. A very nice home and so pretty! He is going to transfer our lease, no pet deposit or any deposit at all. This is a home that we could easily live in for 5 years while we save up for a big down payment on our own home. Brad is stressed about moving and says we are getting movers this time, but of course it will be expensive. And then there is transferring utilities and all of those extra fees. Also we have to take down all of our baby proofing here and baby proof there..and we need more baby proofing items for the new house. And then there is packing and unpacking..Lord help me! It will be easier this time because a lot is in boxes in storage here and we don't have to sort through everything this time. It will be okay. My mom is going to help with Noah so I can start packing next week. If you think we are crazy, well your right.. but not about this, this house now is just not livable to me and our landlord could rent the other house for way more than he is, so we had to snatch the opportunity while it was here. Move now where we want to live or move next November..So I am dreading it but excited too and relieved to have a garden tub coming my way! Oh, and one of those cool flat stoves, too...Say a prayer for us!
Posted by Tracy at 7:42 AM 1 comments
Saturday, January 17, 2009
My 35th birthday!
I had the best birthday ever! The Sat. before my bday, Granny and Papa watched Noah and Cameron while Brad and I went out. We had so much fun being grown ups! We went to Ruth's Chris and got the greatest steak I have ever had. We had a nice dinner. We split a desert we really didn't like so after that we went straight to Chile's for the Paradise Pie. I love that yummy and low in calories too...just kidding. After that we went to the movie and saw that new Clint Eastwood movie. It was so good. If you are looking for a good movie, go see it for sure. It was the best movie I have seen in a long time. We thought about that Benjamin Button movie, but something about Brad Pit annoys me to the point of nausea. Its like, calm down, you don't even look that great anymore! We had a good time together. Brad got me some really pretty pink roses and a huge stuffed frog!
On the actual day of my birthday, Noah was so sick and so was I. It was nice though because the phone rang all day with happy birthday's! My wonderful friend since 6th grade Sara called just like always...every year.
That was birthday part 1. Part 2 was tonight the Sat. after my birthday. My best friends took me to El Fenix and we had so much fun laughing and being goofy as always. We took Noah to Kids Play and Cameron came with us...Alex was with friends. Cameron didn't mind going because his friend Rory was there..Audrey's son. My friends went all out and made me feel so loved! They SHOWERED me with gifts ranging from an Ipod to Juicy Couture ( my fave!) to perfume and of course lots of Bratz and hello kitty fun items. I know, but I don't have to grow up if I don't want to! They were all so sweet. I love them all so much.
My family gave me money and gift cards so now I get to go shopping! We all know I can tear a mall up if I have $$$$$$$$$$$$$! I already went to Victoria Secret and got some make up and to Express and got a really cute outfit on clearance. Express is having a killer sale...I love that store. I got this lip plumper stuff from Victoria Secret that after you get used to the pain, its awesome. I'm not kidding, it stings. I went to Nordstrom Rack today, but didn't find anything.
So that was my birthday...I guess I am OLD now. Oh, well. Thank you family and friends for everything, I love you all!
Other than that we are going to be transferring the kids schools next week and just trying to get everyone well. I might have to take my Noah back to the dr. He seems to feel better, but he is so congested. Of course Alex never got sick because thankfully he has the world's best immune system. Here are some pictures from my birthday!
Posted by Tracy at 6:47 PM 0 comments