Noah finally seems to feel himself today. He went to the daycare at the gym and then went to Blackeyed Pea with Brad and me. He's eating! This morning I made him oatmeal and even added sugar to it but he would not eat it UNTIL Daddy came and made the spoon a car! That made it worth eating...fun Daddy!
Here is picture of Cameron with his Euphonium. He finally brought it home. He really likes it and so did baby brother! He sounded pretty good. The first concert is Oct. 28th. He brought home a dreaded fundraiser yesterday. I saw him running to the car with it and my stomach sank! Well, I'm ordering, Brad's ordering, grandparents are and even Cameron. So we're still about 34 off for the prize he wants. Grandmother is so sweet...she is coming this afternoon after school to walk him door to door. Brad is then going to take it to work. Anyways we alone have a whole cheesecake, soft pretzels, cinnamon rolls and m'm bars coming.
Alex's grades are creaping up, so that's good. He is so goofy. He took his leg brace thing from last year when he hurt his ankle with him to school yesterday. I was not aware of this until he came home with it. He wore it so he and 5 friends of his choice could take the elevator at school. I GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!
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