Brad brought Alex's car home today:) He is so excited. Brad put a cd player in it and got some seat covers for it that look awesome. I can't believe how fast time goes. It seems like just yesterday he was a baby and I would rock him in my parents lazy boy and watch Madonna videos with him all day! Poor kid!! He really is a sweet boy and I am happy for him. I am also proud of Brad for loving Alex so much that it was important to him that Alex have a car to call his own when the time comes....which right now is around March so I'm not in a complete panic quite yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kids grow up so fast even sometimes when it feels like life is going by slowly, its really flying by faster than you can imagine.
I can't believe Alex is old enough for a car, that' great! I know you and Brad are so proud of him.
I think I sorta have this Blog Thing figured out - let me know if Ido it wrong - this is my first try at blogging.
I see from your profile that we have some things in Common. The Notebook and Gone With The Wind are two of my all Time favorites; I have a First Editiion Gonee With The Wind novel that my Great Aunt Jane gave me many years ago. we both love Babies and I forgot the others I saw on your profile. The pictures are a blessing just as you and yours are to me. Noah is growing and is adorable! Hope we get to visit in person soon. Good luck with your Blog. Treasure every day with youe boys, they will grow up so fast. First thing you know Noah will be driving! Love to all! ~ Jane
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