Last night was Cameron's first band recital. I was so proud of him and all of the kids. These kids have only been playing for 2 months! I thought they did great.
Just thought I'd add this picture of my angel having a tantrum! He was mad because I took his comb and water bottle away and gave him his football instead...he likes to fix his hair...Oh, gosh..he really is like Brad!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Great Job 6th Grade Band!!
Posted by Tracy at 9:05 PM 0 comments
Cameron's first band concert!
Posted by Tracy at 9:01 PM 0 comments
Just Euphoniums..Cameron is 3rd from left
Posted by Tracy at 8:53 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 27, 2008
Freezing at the park!
This morning we had a play date at the park with my meet up group. It was really cold though, but since it was the park right by my house I went anyway. I was really surprised that 4 other moms and babies came. The babies were a little fussy and cold so we only stayed out 45 minutes. Noah had fun though. I was so impressed with Noah, he could climb up the slide! Yes, I was right behind him. It was only a 4 ft. slide, but I was impressed with his strong little 16 month legs!!
This is his first picture to color. He colored it at the gym daycare.
Posted by Tracy at 3:11 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Yesterday something very scary happened. Brad, Noah, and I were out and Cameron and Alex were home by themselves. We were gone about 3 hours, maybe 4..when I got home and opened up the door the whole house smelled strongly of gas. I screamed for Alex and Cameron and they did not answer..panic like you cannot imagine went through my body, I called them again and thank God, they came down. I told them to get outside and I made sure all 3 dogs were already outside and then I ran and told Brad who was still getting Noah out of the car. We called 911, and conveniently the firemen were at a block party on the next street, so they were here fast. One of them started to go in, but he quickly turned around and said, "It's strong." He did not want to go in until they turned the gas off outside. They said that it did not have carbon monoxide in it which is what makes people go to sleep and die, but that the house easily could have caught on fire. They said something as simple as turning on a light switch could have set the house in flames. Apparently, Cameron said he accidentally moved the knob a little, he thought, when he was leaning over it to make something in the
microwave, and so he turned it off. Well, he actually turned it all the way on high and that particular burner did not ignite so he never saw a flame or anything...gas just started to fill the house. Alex said his nose was stopped up and did not smell it, and Cam said he smelled it but paid no attention to it. I told them if they ever smell anything like that again to leave and then call me from Alex's cell or a neighbor's house. Also, the power went off yesterday and then again in the middle of the night and when it popped back on, that could have also ignited the house had it happened during this time.
So I could have lost my boys yesterday.
I don't know what to say except to thank God....yesterday could have by far been the worst day of our lives. Alex and Cameron could have lost their futures. It really puts things into perspective about what matters...So kiss your kids and give them a hug and if you have a gas stove, give them a little gas stove lesson..I wish I had.
After that I went to my dinner with my mom meet up group at Patrizio's. It was nice to wear a cute dress and high heeled boots (which I'm losing my touch at walking in!). It was me and 2 other ladies. They were very nice and we had a great time. I'm so glad I went and can't wait for the next one. It's nice to talk and hang out with other mommies, but without our little precious angels!!!
Posted by Tracy at 5:59 AM 1 comments
Saturday, October 25, 2008
The boys have gone to get donuts so I thought I would make use of this rare moment and do a quick update.
Yesterday, I met up with an old friend that I found through facebook. It was so nice to see her! She was really sweet and I hope we can continue a friendship as adults. Her baby was born only 3 weeks before Noah! Since I have very few friends with babies, I am excited.
Last night I met Kathy and her mom to eat dinner. After dinner we went to Coldstone and got ice cream. Yummy!
I'm happy because today Brad is off and he hardly ever is off on Sat. yah!! Tonight he is going to watch all the guys while I go to moms night out at Patrizio's. I am meeting my mom meet up group there. I don't think I will actually know any of the moms tonight, so that might be a little weird. I am excited though and hope to make some new friends! I'm also excited to get away from my wonderful, but draining family!
Oh, their back...that was short!
Posted by Tracy at 8:05 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Posted by Tracy at 6:01 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 20, 2008
I am so embarrassed!!!
Only something like this would happen to me: I set up a profile on facebook. I don't know how it happened, but it sent an email to everyone I have EVER emailed and either said Tracy Locke would like them to join facebook or if they were already a member, I requested them to be my friend. Which is fine, the more the merrier, but I am humiliated! That means, teachers and doctors and old acquaintances. I bet my insurance agent wonders why I want to be so chummy with him! I just think people will think I'm weird. Okay, I know, I AM a little weird, but not weird enough to do this! I don't remember it asking me if I wanted to do this, but I cannot be the only person this has happened to. You know what? I probably am, because that is the kind of thing that always happens to me!!!!!
Posted by Tracy at 6:54 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Pumpkin Patch!
Yesterday Noah, Cameron, and I went to the Flower Mound Pumpkin Patch. I was supposed to meet my mom meet up group, but I could not find them. It was a little hot and chaotic, but it was fun. We tried to I eat snow cones, but it was too scary with the bees swarming us so we threw them out and ran! Cameron picked out a huge pumpkin. This was the first time I have ever bought a pumpkin at a pumpkin patch. Usually, I just get one at the grocery store. Cameron is excited to carve it on Halloween.
Last night we went to "The Haunted Forest". Cameron got a little freaked out and told me he decided he did not like adrenaline. I think I agree! I know I am fun to scare, but they did not just jump out at me, they chased me! Maybe we'll try again next year! Now I am trying to get dried mud off my black Uggs from running into a huge muddy area!
This morning I made pancakes which I never do, because they never turn out good and I make a huge mess trying. So this time was no exception. Does anyone make good pancakes and if you do will you tell me how you make them? I know I am following the directions on the box right. Oh, well...maybe we'll just stick to Ego waffles around here!!!
Posted by Tracy at 11:30 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 17, 2008
Last night my mom came over and took Cam door to door to collect donations for his band fundraiser. I thought that was so sweet. I was so proud of them...they raised $165! People could either pledge a certain amount of $ for each minute he practices for this week or a one time donation. Everyone chose a one time donation. They were both so proud. Now he gets to go into the drawing 3 times for the prizes, he gets three 100's to replace any grade except for zero's, and on Dec. 5th after school he gets to take a limo ride to CiCi's after school along with any one else who raised at least $150. Cool, huh?! I'm so excited for him. Wasn't that nice of my mom to take him to do that? I thought so!! Thanks, mom! We love you!
Posted by Tracy at 7:25 AM 2 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Today the weather is going to really feel like fall. I love fall. I love it because it makes me think about Christmas coming soon. Christmas has always made me so happy. It was always so magical to me as a child. My mom and dad made it so special. It wasn't just the mom made cookies with us and I always loved that. I still do. I can remember like it was yesterday driving with my mom singing carols...our favorite was the one that went.."There's no place like home for the holidays cause no matter how far away you roam......" You know that one? We also had this thing she made where we got to eat a piece of candy each night until we reached Christmas day! It was so exciting for me! I love the lights and the busy malls and I LOVE the tv shows/movies. When I was little it was such a big deal.. we would all sit in the living room and watch together A Charlie Brown Christmas or How the Grinch Stole Christmas of Frosty or one I discovered when I was a little older was It's a Wonderful Life. I think that one is my just touches my heart so much because though life can be painful and scary at times, it is such a precious gift from God and it reminds me what really matters. I am so blessed because I have so many people in my life to appreciate and love, so if your one of those people "(which you probably are if your reading this), I just want to thank you for being in my life and loving me!!!
Posted by Tracy at 7:01 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Not a lot has been too interesting around here...just the usual insanity! The kids had a pretty uneventful school week. On Friday, Noah had a play date. Here is a picture of him with his new friends, Cassandra and Summer. He's such a ladies man, isn't he!
Friday after school, I took Cameron, Taylor, and Noah to Baskin Robins. Noah insisted on feeding himself, so that was fun with a hot fudge sunday. Oh, well! Cameron got his report card and it was good..all A's and B's and one 79. Cameron spent the night at Taylor's and Alex spent the night with his friend, too, so Noah and I had the house to ourselves before Brad got home. I had a crazy Friday night...I played with Noah and went to bed at 9:30! Exciting, huh
Cam has been home since Sat. morning and Alex has been in and out. Right now he is at the skate park with his friend and his friend's little brother. Brad was off yesterday and that was nice. Brad, Noah and I went to the mall and ate at Dave and Busters. I ate desert though and got a sick stomach. Restaurant deserts always hurt my stomach, but its usually worth it to me.
Posted by Tracy at 4:33 PM 1 comments
Monday, October 6, 2008
Sat. night was so fun. My friends, Melissa and Darian, are getting married! I'm soooo happy for her. They are perfect together. She had no idea at all he was going to propose. Her ring is huge and gorgeous! Her birthday was Sat. and her party was at Chuy's in Dallas...mexican food. It was so fun and reminded me that I have to get out more often. We stayed a little over an hour... after Noah's Uncrustable was gone! They are a great couple and Brad and Darian really seem to get along well. Maybe we'll have friends yet!
On the way home, I started to get a slight headache and by the time I got home it was pounding. It's Monday morning and I think it may be gone...but I thought that a couple times yesterday and then it would come back. I have never had a migraine, but that must have been one because I cannot imagine a worse headache. I really feel for people who get them often.
Last night we took Noah to Walmart to get him a new toy. He needed one. We got him a ball, a Tonka dump truck, and 2 new books. He really loves books. He constantly brings them to us to read to him. It's so cute, he likes to turn the pages...sometimes before it's time!
Alex and Cam are fine. Not a whole lot to tell. Alex got a haircut and that's about it.
Posted by Tracy at 6:52 AM 1 comments
Friday, October 3, 2008
Daddy at Mommy group!
Yesterday I was really sick so Brad took Noah to the Mommy/play group. I did not want to get any of the cute little babies sick, but I was so bummed because they were going to make little pictures with their handprints and footprints so Brad took him for me! I'm not sure how the mommies felt about that, but Brad said they were very nice. I really wished I could have been there though.

Posted by Tracy at 6:39 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Did anyone see Oprah yesterday? She had the lady that last year accidentally left her baby in the car all day while she was at work. It was heartbreaking. It really made me think about my own life and the importance of slowing down. There are times I go to bed at night thinking about all of the things I did not get done instead of praising myself for the accomplishments I did get done. How self destructive is that!! Life is really too short for that sort of mind set. We, as women especially,tend to judge each other instead of extending a hand when we see someone who clearly needs help. None of us are perfect. Trying to be perfect will lead you into nothing but feeling like a failure and inadequate. God did not mean this for us when he created us. I vow today to slow down, help other people when I can and enjoy the precious life God gave me!!!
Posted by Tracy at 7:33 AM 1 comments